Key Image

Poster and social media design for my concept art project, Abyssal. The goal was to create a piece that could be utilized in multiple formats, and give an idea of the atmosphere and theme of the game.



Of the sketches I made for this piece, my classmates decided that Sketch #3 was the most successful in giving off the feeling that I wanted. I added more negative space to the poster design and started on the process.


Version 1

Version 2 - Final

I looked at a variety of sci-fi and fantasy illustrations and logos. I wanted a logo that was clean and futuristic, and an image to match the vibe. I referenced plenty of images of water and waves as well, because I knew there would be a lot of water imagery in the final piece.

Version 1 of the final assignment had many good elements, but also some things in need of fixing. The background is too dark and value and too harsh in contrast to the more ethereal rendering of the figures. For the final version, I toned down the dark gradient and used color as opposed to value to soften the image.